Friday, June 11, 2010

When You're a Stranger

I have four, count them, four blogs. Each has its own theme and has had its own time to shine. That time has come and gone for most, and I find myself a hopeless writer. I have things to say, things to write, but seemingly nowhere to say or write them. I am a blog addict in need of another fix. So here I am embarking upon my FIFTH blog. Yikes. Am I an egocentric product of the information age, or what?

The theme of this blog: memoirs and musings. My one and only rule: no specifics. I’ve heard a lot about the anonymity of the Internet lately and how it tends to get people into trouble. Though anonymous bullies may be breaking hearts all over the country, this blog being anonymous is nothing but good for me. I can write, people can read (I have low hopes of this actually happening), and I don’t have to worry about my precious identity being compromised. And I promise, I’ll keep the hate to a minimum. Win-win-win.

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